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Processor: NXP i.MX8 M

NXP i.MX8M SOM is the new top-class Quad Core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU module by DAVE Embedded Systems, based on the recent NXP i.MX8M application processor. Thanks to this solution, customers have the chance to save time and resources by using a compact solution that permits to reach scalable performances that perfectly fits the application requirements avoiding complexities on the carrier board.

The use of this processor enables extensive system-level differentiation of new applications in many industry fields, where high-performance and extremely compact form factor (67,5 mm x 48 mm) are key factors. Smarter system designs are made possible, following the trends in functionalities and interfaces of the new, state-of-the-art embedded products.
i.MX8M SOM offers great computational power, thanks to the rich set of peripherals, the Scalable ARM Cortex-A53 together with a large set of high-speed I/Os such us dual PCIe and USB3.

i.MX8M SOM is compatible witth i.MX6 SOM solution AXEL LITE. Customers that want to migrate from previous i.MX6 solution to this new will have a ZERO-effort approach with the great advantage of performance. i.MX8 SOM enables designers to create smart products suitable for harsh mechanical and thermal environments, allowing for the development of high computing and reliable solutions.

Thanks to the tight integration between the ARM Core-based processing system and the RTOS integrated on board, designers are able to share the applications through the multicore platform and/or to divide the task on different cores in order to match with specific application requirements.

i.MX8 SOM is designed in order to keep full compatibility with the LITE Line CPU modules, for designs where quality and reliability are important factors PLUS compatibility of AXEL LITE SOM.

  • Unmatched performances thanks to Multimedia MX8M
  • ARM Cortex A53 MPCore + Cortex-M4 tecnology
  • eMMC or NAND SLC on board
  • dual LVDS output on board
  • Enabling massive computing applications thanks to wide range LPDDR4 RAM memory up to 2GB (4GB OPT)
  • Compatibility with i.MX6 AXEL Lite SOM
  • Reduced carrier complexity: dual PCIe, dual MIPI, SDIO, Gb ETH, GPIOs, 3xSAI
  • Expansion Connector for 100% SOC Usability
  • H264/H265 Video encoding and decoding
  • Available NAND interface for cost optimization


Block Diagram

Technical details

Evaluation kits

The official evaluation kit for MITO 8M SOM. This solution includes a SOM and all necesary for the fast and easy evaluation

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Product Lifecycle Management & Roadmap

Product Longevity

Product Change Notifications

There are no PCN for MITO 8M SOM

Product Roadmap


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