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NXP i.MX6UL - AXEL Ulite

Prozessor: NXP/Freescale i.MX6 UL / i.MX6 ULL

AXEL ULite ist die brandneue Lösung von DAVE Embedded Systems, basierend auf dem aktuellen Anwendungsprozessor i.MX6 Ultra Lite von NXP/Freescale. AXEL ULite definiert mit seiner ARM-Cortex-A7-Architektur eine neue Grenze des niedrigen Stromverbrauchs und ermöglicht es Kunden, ein neues Konzept von Embedded-IoT-Geräten zu entwickeln.

AXEL ULite bietet dank der ARM Cortex-A7-Architektur einen großartigen Kompromiss zwischen Rechenleistung und Stromverbrauch. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Verwendung dieses Prozessors eine umfassende Differenzierung auf Systemebene für neue Anwendungen in vielen Industriebereichen, in denen Stromverbrauch, Konnektivität und ein extrem kompakter Formfaktor (67,50 mm x etwa 25,40 mm) Schlüsselfaktoren sind. Die erweiterten Sicherheitsfunktionen und die drei verschiedenen verfügbaren CPU-Versionen (Base, General Purpose und Security) bieten ein breites Anwendungsszenario. Intelligentere Systemdesigns werden ermöglicht, indem sie den Trends bei Funktionalitäten und Schnittstellen der neuen, hochmodernen Embedded-Produkte folgen.

  • ULTRA LOW POWER dank ARM Cortex A7 MPCore@528 MHz
  • Pin-zu-Pin-Kompatibilität mit AXEL LITE SOM basierend auf i.MX6
  • Volle Kompatibilität der i.MX6-Software
  • Hohe Flexibilität mit bis zu 4 verschiedenen skalierbaren CPU-Versionen (Base, General Purpose, Security)
  • Erweiterte Sicherheit dank TRNG, Crypto Engine usw.
  • Embedded IoT, Konnektivitätsversion mit "blinder CPU"
  • Booten Sie von NOR für sichere Anwendungen
  • bis zu 2 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbps mit integriertem Switch
  • Einzelnes 3V3-Netzteil mit sehr geringem Standby-Strom

AXEL ULite is fully compatible with AXEL LITE SOM (Based on NXP i.MX6). This means that customers are enabled to build a wide portfolio of products with very different performance / power consumption and cost budgets. This is in line with DAVE Embedded Systems philosophy to support customers along with their business providing new solutions which can enlarge their gamma of products re-using as much as possible the existing HW and SW platforms.

Thanks to AXEL ULite, customers have the chance to save time and resources using a compact solution that permits to reach scalable performances that perfectly fits the application requirements avoiding complexities on the carrier board. Last but not least, AXEL ULite is suitable for high volume applications where the price/quality ratio is important such as the embedded Internet Of Things, portable solutions, gateways, solar applications.


Block Diagram


TOP View
Technical Information

ARM Cortex A7 MPCore @ 528 MHz
Base (-0), General Purpose (-1, -2), Security (-3)

On-board power supply supervision
and power sequencer

Watchdog and RTC

Cache L1: 32Kbyte instruction, 32Kbyte data
L2: Unified data/instruction, 128 K
  • SDRAM: Up to 512 DDR3-LV, x16 data bus width
  • NOR: SPI NOR 4 - 32 MB on request
  • NAND SLC: All sizes, on request. 
Interfaces  (full-spec models)
  • LAN: Ethernet 10/100 Mbps (PHY on board) additional MII/RMII interface
  • UART: up to 8x UART ports
  • USB: up to 2x 2.0 OTG port (PHY on board)
  • CAN: up to 2x CAN
  • SDIO: up to 2x SDIO/MMC 
  • Audio: I²S / SSI / S / PDIF
  • Video Output: 1x RGB Parallel port 24 bit 
  • Video Input: 1x CSI port 16 bit parallel
  • Debug: JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port 
  • Other:
    • up to 4x I2C channels
    • up to 4x SPI channels
    • GPIOs with interrupt capabilities
    • up to 2x 8ch ADC (12bit)
    • 8x8 keypad
  • Connectors: SODIMM 204 pin
  • Size: 67.50mm x 25.40mm 
  • Temperature range:
    • Commercial (0°C / +70°C) temperature range
    • Industrial (-40°C / +85°C) temperature range
Power Supply
Single 3.3V +/- 5%, on-board voltage regulation 


Technical details

Operating Systems

DAVE Embedded Software Kit Linux (DESK-MX6-L in short - read more info about the naming) - provides all the necessary components required to set up the developing environment to:

  • build the bootloader (U-Boot)
  • build the Linux operating system
  • build Linux applications that will run on the target
  • build the Yocto BSP

The Embedded Software kit is composed by:

  • VirtualBox virtual machine containing
    • toolchain and SDK
    • U-Boot bootloader sources
    • Linux kernel sources
    • Root file system images
  • git repositories access for registered users allowing the update of the following repo
    • u-boot
    • linux
    • Yocto BSP
  • SD card with the complete environment for
    • the DVDK OVA file (i.e. the Virtual Machine file to be imported into VirtualBox application)
    • a complete Kit bootstrap and demonstration (with u-boot, kernel and root file systems binaries already configured)
Genereral Information


Evaluation kits

The official evaluation kit for AXEL Lite SOM. This solution includes a SOM and all necesary for the fast and easy evaluation

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Product Lifecycle Management & Roadmap

Product Longevity

Product Change Notifications

There are no PCN for AXEL ULite SOM

Product Roadmap





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